Gooseberry compote from Gazdov | Compote - Ovocno zeleninová výroba | Sortiment | GAZDOVIA.SK

Gooseberry compote from Gazdov

Gooseberry compote from Gazdov

Homemade Gooseberry Compote from Gazdov. Sterilized. Traditional recipe without added preservatives or stabilizers. Solid content weight: 280g.

Ingredients: Gooseberries, water, sugar.

Storage: Store in a dry place at a temperature up to 25°C (77°F), protect from heat and direct sunlight. After opening, keep at a temperature up to +10°C (50°F) and consume within 14 days.

Product Description

Gooseberry Compote from Gazdov is a genuine homemade compote. We use a traditional recipe without added preservatives or stabilizers. We carefully select ingredients from Slovak farmers. The compote is intended for direct consumption but can also be used in cooking. The product is sterilized.


  • Slovak manufacturer
  • Traditional recipe
  • No added preservatives or stabilizers


This gooseberry compote is perfect for decorating any ice cream dish and has a wide range of uses in preparing pastries, desserts, ice creams, and more. Try it on its own with whipped cream or combined with other fruits.


Store in a dry place at a temperature up to 25°C (77°F), protect from heat and direct sunlight. After opening, keep at a temperature up to 10°C (50°F) and consume within 14 days.




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